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   FAQs - Windows/General


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  1. Accelerator keys are not underlined.
  2. The "Run" command is not on my "Start" menu.
  3. I can't access the shared DMS folder on my domain controller from a W7 Home computer.
  4. The program's help file does not work on Vista or Windows7.

  Accelerator keys are not underlined.  
  This problem is caused by Microsoft changing the way Windows works.

Every menu selection in DMS's main menu, and all of it's drop down menus, are designed so that you can press a specific letter to access that selection. This letter, known as an "accelerator key", is identified by being underlined.

This is standard in Windows applications so that you can press the Alt-key and the accelerator key to quickly select the menu item and then the submenu item with the keyboard rather than with your mouse.

The default for Windows has been to ALWAYS UNDERLINE these letters so that you could easily see them -- BUT NO MORE -- You've got to tell Windows to show the underlines.

Do the following to fix:
  1. Windows XP
    1. Right click the desktop.
    2. Click on the "Properties" selection.
    3. Click the "Appearance" tab.
    4. Click the <Effects> button.
    5. Find the selection titled "Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt key" and uncheck it. (A checkmark can be added/removed from a checkbox by clicking on it with the mouse.)
    6. Click the <OK> button to save and exit the "Performance Options" dialog box.
    7. Click the <OK> button to save and exit the "System Properties" dialog box.

  2. Windows 7
    1. Open the Control Panel.
    2. Select "Ease of Access".
    3. Select "Ease of Access Center".
    4. Select "Make the Keyboard Easier to Use".
    5. Locate the selection titled "Underline Keyboard Shortcuts" and place a checkmark in it. (A checkmark can be added/removed from a checkbox by clicking on it with the mouse.)
    6. Close the Control Panel.
  The "Run" command is not on my "Start" menu.  
  Another problem caused by Microsoft changing the way Windows works. (When will these idiots learn to QUIT BREAKING THINGS THAT HAVE WORKED FOR YEARS?)

Do the following to fix:
  1. Windows 7
    1. Right click the <START> button.
    2. Select "Properties".
    3. Select the "StartMenu" tab.
    4. Click the <CUSTOMIZE> button.
    5. Scroll down through the list of items until you locate the selection titled "Run command", then place a checkmark in the box (A checkmark can be added/removed from a checkbox by clicking on it with the mouse.)
    6. Click the <OK> button to save your changes.
  I can't access the shared DMS folder on my domain controller from a W7 Home computer.  
  Once again, the STUPID FOOLS @ Microsoft break something that has worked for DECADES!!!

(For those interested, LmCompatibilityLevel and How LMCompatibilityLevel really works contain some details.)

This problem can be solved by adding a new key to the Windows registry.

Do the following to fix:
  1. Windows 7
    1. Start the registry editor.
    2. Drill down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa.
    3. Create a new DWORD entry called "LmCompatibilityLevel" (omit the quotes).
    4. Modify the entry and set the value to 1.
    5. Close the registry editor.
    6. Reboot the computer.
  The program's help file does not work on Vista or Windows7.  
  This is a known problem with Vista and Windows 7, which do not ship with the winhelp32 application (used to display 32 bit help files).

The IDIOTS @ Microsoft break something else that has worked for DECADES!!!

Do the following to download and install a HELP file reader:
  1. Visit Microsoft's web site.
  2. Scroll down to the To resolve this problem, download and install the Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe) for your version of Windows section.
  3. Click on the appropriate link to download the correct Windows help program for your version of Windows.
  4. Install the program.
  5. Re-Start our program.
 This page was last updated on: 11/04/2014 17:21:40 
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