Note: Plus signs ("+") have been added to certain sections of the code below (i.e., HTML comments, PHP code blocks, and javascript scripts) so that the code will display as text instead of being interpreted by PHP and/or the browser.

(They must be removed for the code to work properly.)

<+? if(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'sell.php') { ?>
<+script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="includes/calendar.js">
<+!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- htmlarea bug: fixed by CHARLES CRUME SOFTWARE: 07-19-05 -----------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The following error:

        Problems with this Web page might prevent it from... blah, blah, blah...

        Line: 627
        Char: 2
        Error: 'offsetWidth' is null or not an object
        Code: 0

     has, according to my source, plagued both the Web2035 and GPL auction software packages since the
     inception of the original GPL auction software.

     The error occurs because there is no TEXTAREA in "templates/template_sell_preview_php.html" nor
     in "templates/template_sell_result_php.html" for the following scripts to turn into an HTMLAREA.
     (There is a TEXTAREA defined in "templates/template_sell_php.html" and this is why the error DOES
     NOT occur when a new auction listing is begun.)

     As such, the inclusion of the following scripts into "sell.php" causes the error when "sell.php"
     is re-entered using the above mentioned templates (i.e., when the auction listing is previewed
     and when it is actually listed).

     The fix is to ONLY include the following scripts into "sell.php" when $_POST is empty (i.e., the
     first time "sell.php" is invoked).

     The line immediately below this comment block terminates the PHP code that includes
     "calendar.js" (which is always needed in "sell.php"). The line immediately below that includes
     the remaining scripts (the end of which is marked by double comment lines) into "sell.php" ONLY
     WHEN $_POST is empty.

     -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

     I am a self-employed computer programmer and web site developer -- if you like this fix I would
     greatly appreciate a donation (my PayPal account is, and... if you
     need some programming, web design, or custom changes to your auction software, etc., etc. please
     contact me...

        CHARLES CRUME SOFTWARE                      
        P.O. Box 5054
        Cincinnati, OH 45205                        

  -- htmlarea bug: fixed by CHARLES CRUME SOFTWARE: 07-19-05 ------------------------------------- -->
<+? } ?>
<+? if(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'sell.php' && empty($_POST)) { ?>
<+script type="text/javascript">
  _editor_url = "./htmlarea/";
  _editor_lang = "en";

<+script type="text/javascript" src="./htmlarea/htmlarea.js">
<+script type="text/javascript">

// Make editor a global variable
var editor = new HTMLArea("description");

function initDescription() {
var editor = new HTMLArea("description");
 editor.registerPlugin(CSS, {
    combos : [
      { label: "Syntax:",
                   // menu text       // CSS class
        options: { "None"           : "",
                   "Code" : "code",
                   "String" : "string",
                   "Comment" : "comment",
                   "Variable name" : "variable-name",
                   "Type" : "type",
                   "Reference" : "reference",
                   "Preprocessor" : "preprocessor",
                   "Keyword" : "keyword",
                   "Function name" : "function-name",
                   "Html tag" : "html-tag",
                   "Html italic" : "html-helper-italic",
                   "Warning" : "warning",
                   "Html bold" : "html-helper-bold"
        context: "pre"
      { label: "Info:",
        options: { "None"           : "",
                   "Quote"          : "quote",
                   "Highlight"      : "highlight",
                   "Deprecated"     : "deprecated"
  });    editor.generate();

<+!-- htmlarea bug: fixed by CHARLES CRUME SOFTWARE: 07-19-05 --------------------------------- END -->
<+!-- htmlarea bug: fixed by CHARLES CRUME SOFTWARE: 07-19-05 --------------------------------- END -->