Inventory Control module -- Technical Specifications

Add Inventory Form
- Store over 2 million items in the primary inventory file.
- Record:
- Booth/Dealer number:
- Can be up to 5 characters.
- Use the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, and special characters
such as !, @, #, $, %, -, +, etc.
- Letters are converted to upper case for indexing purposes.
- Item/Stock number:
- Can be up to 8 characters.
- Use the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, and special characters
such as !, @, #, $, %, -, +, etc.
- Letters are converted to upper case for indexing purposes.
- Description (up to 22 characters).
- Date Acquired
- Quantity Available (up to 9,999 per item).
- Quantity on Order (up to 9,999 per item).
- Quantity Received (up to 9,999 per item).
- Cost (up to $999,999.99 per item).
- List Price (suggested selling) price -- up to $9,999,999.99 per item).
- Whether to print price tickets for the item.
- Whether the item is to be included on price lists
- Print reports for:
- All items in inventory.
- New items added to inventory.
- Items on order.
- Print price tickets.
- Print price lists.