Point-of-Sale module -- Technical Specifications

Add Sales Form
- Store over 2 million items sold in the primary point of
sale file.
- Move "processed" sales records to an archive
- Archive file can store over 2 million sales.
- Old records available if needed (can be brought
back to main Point of Sale file).
- Optional Archive Reporting Sub-System can
directly access archive file.
- Record:
- Booth/Dealer number.
- Can be up to 5 characters.
- Use the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, and
special characters such as !, @, #, $, %,
-, +, etc.
- Letters are converted to upper case for
indexing purposes.
- Item/Stock number.
- Can be up to 8 characters.
- Use the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, and
special characters such as !, @, #, $, %,
-, +, etc.
- Letters are converted to upper case for
indexing purposes.
- Description -- up to 22 characters.
- Quantity sold -- up to 9,999 per item.
- Selling price -- up to $9,999,999.99 per item.
- Discount -- 0% to 99% per item.
- Sales tax rate -- 0.0% to 99.9% per item.
- Sell taxable and non-taxable items on the
same invoice.
- Date sold
- Sell items from multiple booths on the same invoice.
- Maximum sales of $999,999,999.99 per reporting period.
- Automatic computation of: sales tax, mall commission,
credit card surcharge, check surcharge, and change.
- Print reports for any reporting period (e.g., daily,
weekly, monthly, yearly).
- Print sales invoices.
- Lists items sold, discounts, sales tax, total,
- Print full page 80 column invoices on regular
- Optional module to print 40 column invoices on
receipt printer.
- Message to customers - up to 12 lines of 76
- Booth reports for dealers.
- Lists items sold, discounts, surcharges, sales
tax, etc.
- Subtract booth rent from dealer earnings - if
- Pay collected sales taxes back to dealers - if
- Message to dealers - up to 12 lines, 76
characters per line.
- Print itemized or summary sales tax reports.
- Record rent payments and print booth rent reports.
- Move processed sales records to an archive file.
- Reduces processing time for current reports and checks.
- Maintains sales on-line for reference at a later date.
- Print mailing labels:
- To customers of specific dealers.
- To customers who have purchased specific types of